Awaken Your
Goddess Frequency

Discover how to facilitate an embodied women session and how to awaken deep body wisdom and trust!

Inspired by Jungian best-selling author : Jean Shinoda Bolen's: Goddesses in Everywoman

Are you feeling disconnected from your feminine essence? 

Do you long to invite in more space for the voice of your heart?

Envision a life where you feel confident and grateful for having an expressive and intuitive body that supports you in making your own decisions, and fills you with the passion and energy to feel whole again.

Freed from inhibitions and self-judgment, you begin to feel soft, spontaneous and tender again. You step into a deep self-reliance and trust, stemming from your honest, free, and authentic expression of who you are. Your fears of rejection and being judged slowly dissolve as what others think of you

becomes irrelevant.

If you doubt that this can be you, this is the perfect opportunity for you to create a safe space where you can explore the wisdom of movement and body in a playful and fun way. 

You'll gain insights by listening deeply to the messages of your body and beneath the surface of your skin.

You'll learn to forgive and relax your body, and your self-talk will liberate you from past conditioning, taking you on an intuitive journey. Embodying the natural goddess frequency will become easy and comfortable, allowing you to be at ease in your own skin.

I am passionate about validating you in your journey of gently befriending your body and becoming your own lover. You'll step to the forefront, being seen for your variety and versatility.

I'll support you in enjoying life's purest essence, as being watched becomes comfortable, and being visible in the world becomes your natural asset.

Envision yourself being fully scented with the flavors of Goddess energy,

pouring from you in every aspect of your private and working life, and simply


R - Release past conditioning

O - Own your emotional variety

A - Allow constant changes within you

R - Reveal your deepest desires with ease.

Discover how to awaken to your expressive, intuitive and confident self, gently transcending overwhelm & liberating yourself from the past ties to shift into a deep inner trust in tune with your natural goddesses frequency.

Enrol in pre-recorded online courses with lifetime access:

HESTIA, the goddess of hearts and temples
will take care of the
eternally lit inner fire,
the meditative
and the decoration
of the altars.

Bring with you playfulness,
respect, dignity, curiosity
and a desire for an open
exchange of views and knowledge.

Welcome all of you, who’d like to express yourself creatively
through body, voice and artwork!


Dancing experience or knowledge of archetypes is not required.
All you need is comfortable clothes, a bottle of water and playful curiosity

Join us on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, as we delve deep into our divine feminine essence. Through a series of sessions, we will pay homage to, explore, and embrace the inner landscapes of our Goddesses.

Over the course of three months, we will delve into the archetypes of Athena, Persephone, Artemis, Aphrodite, Hera, Hestia and Demeter, and discover the unique gifts and challenges they each bring. Through dance and ritual, we will invite these powerful forces to express themselves in their full capacity, and in doing so, unlock their magic and wisdom. 

By embodying their strengths and recognizing their aspects within ourselves, we will navigate our daily lives with newfound clarity and purpose. 

We will bow to Persephone, the mystical Queen of the Underworld, and honor her power to claim what we truly want. We will join Hera, the Goddess of Marriage, in a dance of devotion, and tap into the joy and pain that fuels our spirits. 

Athena, the wise and practical Goddess of Wisdom and Craft, will guide us through emotional storms and help us develop strategies for navigating challenging situations. Artemis, the fierce and independent Goddess of the Hunt and the Moon, will assist us in recognizing and embracing our wild nature.

Aphrodite, the radiant Goddess of Love and Beauty, will lead us in a dance of creative alchemy that celebrates the vital sensuality of life. And Demeter, the nurturing Goddess of Grain and Mother, will inspire us to tap into our own nurturing aspects and cultivate a sense of abundance and growth.

Let us be enchanted by the whispering voices of these Goddesses, and let their magic awaken within us. Join us on a journey of transformation and empowerment, as we honor and embrace our divine feminine essence.



Dancing experience or knowledge of archetypes is not required. All you need is comfortable clothes, a bottle of water and playful curiosity.

This online program is available for women who want to become leaders and facilitators of women's circles, empowerment workshops, or divine feminine dance sessions. The program includes written and video instructions that teach you how to prepare for leading a thematic workshop that covers modern women's psychology through the prism of Greek goddesses, embodiment practices, and dance exercises

The program provides you with lifetime access, so you can work from anywhere at any time. This is an exceptional tool for those who already have experience or are just starting to embark on this journey and want easy access to new, playful, and easy-to-learn embodiment and dance practices. The program is the result of more than a decade of experience leading various movement, dance, archetypal workshops, research, and artistic processes. Its inspiration comes from the book of best-selling Jungian author with Japanese roots Jean Shinoda Bolen's Goddesses in Everywoman. 

Meet with Hestia & Persephone

Through our live Q&A Zoom sessions, we will provide you with guidance and coaching to help you workshop your newfound skills and overcome any challenges that may arise.

Meet Hera, Athena & Artemis  

emotions, in all their colors and complexities.

Our live Q&A Zoom sessions will provide you with personalized guidance and coaching, so that we can workshop together and help you overcome any obstacles that may arise.

THREAD 7-8  Awaken expressive self

Meet Aphrodite & Demeter

Our live Q&A Zoom sessions will provide you with personalized guidance and coaching, so that we can workshop together and help you overcome any obstacles that may arise.

When I read how beautiful and spiritually rich meetings Sandra prepares for you in connection with dance and the archetypes of Greek goddesses, I was able to propose to her what is now becoming a reality. I myself have been lecturing for almost decades about art and culture and the beliefs of ancient cultures, so I feel the Greek and goddesses of other ancient civilizations to the bone. Now, after a new decade of mission, knowledge and experience in aromatherapy, this gave me a logical and conscious idea, what would it be like if, with the art of making natural pure ~ fume, which I feel with my whole body, soul and heart, I create aroma that would embody the qualities of a certain goddess, while at the same time bringing a "healing'' aspect to all the challenges that this goddess faces. Or in other words, because we all carry parts of each Greek goddess in us, only that some of them are more or sometimes less pronounced, with Small Daily Rituals we can support ourselves with "trapped" aroma of a goddess that we feel most at the moment and naturally help support the healing processes within us. This is how my "Aromas of Goddesses ~ Natural PureFume Line'' was created, created just for your gatherings. I can't wait for you to experience them and report back to me about everything they bring to your life.

Sandra will include them in her workshops for a fragrant addition to her work and for your deeper experience. At the first meeting, I will gratefully give you a sample of this precious created aroma for Persephone. Bottles of Aromas of Goddesses ~ Natural PureFume Line will always be available at the workshops, which you can take home in exchange for your contribution to the creation of the divine formula.

With love, Maja Čebašek ~ Small Daily Rituals


Guardian of Heart,  Meditation and Temples


Embodiment and dance of inner Mystic

Hestia creates sacred places and warms temples, homes. She personifies an inwardly focused consciousness - similar to that achieved through meditation. A woman who has a strong Hestia in her, intuitively perceives what is happening around her and focuses on what is personally important to her. She can be emotionally detached and perceptually inattentive to others – she can withdraw from the company of others. She is the guardian of the heart and her mission is found around rituals, house dedications and new beginnings.It symbolizes continuity and connection, it symbolizes fire, common consciousness and common identity. Hestia's Sub-Archetypes: Nun, Servant, Healer, Seeker, Mystic, Hermit, Storyteller, Priestess, Virgin, Companion, Artist

You are invited to pay homage to Hestia with dance and Balinese meditation and massage!


Guardian and Queen of the Underworld


Embodiment and dance of inner Mystic

Drawing inspiration from the Greek goddess Persephone, we will delve into her mature aspect as the Queen of the Underworld. With her extraordinary imagination, deep feelings, and strong perceptions, Persephone is the perfect guide for those seeking to explore their unconscious for the first time. Together, we will embody Persephone and dive into her shadowy and bright aspects of sub-archetypal expressions. We will explore her eternal, divine, and innocent girl persona, as well as her roles as a healer, eternal student,  poet, companion, destroyer, artist, storyteller, guide, and mystic. Through dance, painting, and discussion, we will pay tribute to Persephone's exceptional abilities of mediation, vivid imagination, mystical perception, subtle perception of other worlds, empathy, and sensitive receptivity. Join us for this transformational journey and discover the mystic within you!

“Something powerful happens when a woman gives up her intuition and surrenders to completely embrace and heal her wounds. She loses her innocence, but regains her wilderness. She must trust that Mother Nature will offer her space for her descent, and she must gather her weeping tears to create a healing potion from them. She has to accept the invitation of a lonely inner wolf and risk being an “outsider” for a while. It is the teaching of “La Selva Subterranea,” “Descending Persephone,” or “Innana’s confrontation with her own shadowsInitiation into the underworld, in other words, accepting the passing, and circling of all things around her. Understanding the life-death-life cycle means accepting our inner shadows, our dark aspects, our terrifying inner demons. The process of cultivation begins with awareness. We tailor and assign our deep sense of the meaning of life. We are ready.

Paraphrased by Clarissa Pinkola Estes


And when was the last time you purified the muddy aspects of your life?
Persephone- the Goddess of two faces
Persephone's descent and Armless Maiden
The story of Armless Maiden- 1st & 2nd initiation into the Underworld
The story of Armless Maiden - 3rd initiaition into the Underworld
The story of Armless Maiden - last initiaitions into the Underworld
What is a weak bargain of your life?
I'm a wandering woman
A queen will allways turn pain into power
Persephone's Subarchetypes


Guardian of Sacred Marriage & Commitment


Embodiment and dance of inner dedication

The Greek goddess Hera's story is often overshadowed by her stormy and turbulent relationship with her promiscuous husband, Zeus. However, what's often overlooked is her firm faithfulness to family and the sacredness of marriage. In our dance, we will honor Hera's extraordinary sense of loyalty, grace, and elegant feminine power. As we delve deeper into her persona, we will explore the mirror of her projections, which she angrily paints on the scattered Aphrodites. Through this exploration, we will embody Hera's challenges, including feasibility and the transformation of painful shame into creativity. We will utilize sacred clay to awaken our touch and inspire our dance. Throughout our journey, we will pay tribute to Hera's exceptional abilities of perseverance, dedication, precision, and graceful feminine strength. By embodying these qualities, we too can cultivate our own inner power and devotion to what we hold sacred.

"New insights were born within me with your explanation of individual Goddess traits, related to the archetypes and behaviour of each goddess. I recognised my behavioural patterns in many Goddesses and got a good explanation and connection to why it works that way. Through the explanation of the properties of Goddesses I realised that these characteristics are somehow predetermined by the birth of inner Goddess.  The most interesting thing for me is, that we can transcend these patterns and call in another Goddess when we want:) I recommend Embodying of Greek Goddesses Workshop to every woman to recognise her female qualities and to get to know the dormant goddesses, to if necessary, activate them. In this way, woman can get to know each other better and see how many possibilities still exist on our path and how simple it is to be what we want and to attract into our lives what we desire to enrich our lives on all levels."

Lucija Poličnik, participant

HONOURING GREEK GODDESS ATHENA, Guardian of wisdom and handcrafts


Embodiment and dance of inner Warrior

The Greek goddess Athena, renowned for her leadership, strategic skill, and intellectual prowess, was also a patroness of the city, education, and crafts. We will channel her indomitable spirit through the embodiment of an inner warrior, exploring both her illustrious

myths and her lesser-known challenges. We will delve into the duality of Athena's character, learning from her boldness

and fearlessness, while also exploring her capacity for nurturing wisdom through a deeper connection with her body and a reawakening of her inner child. In so doing, we will cultivate a more holistic approach to leadership, one that

balances strength and softness.

Throughout our practice, we will pay homage to Athena's exceptional ability to maintain a level head in high-pressure

situations, to distance herself from emotions, and to embody independent strength.



"It was wonderful.The ambience is magical, the lighting effects perfectly ordered (moon - beauty) along with the weather, not to mention the animals at all. The big ones have a nice sound effect, and the small ones touch us as kindness therapy ..What did the Goddesses do with me and me with them:

My intention was for each to contribute what I need at this current time. I didn’t focus on the individual ones because I didn't feel that way.

I had some cleaning today. Maybe they did a good job ...And Sandra, I tell you that this facilitating job is written on your skin. I had a great time. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to the whole team for being unique.
Mateja Velikonja, participant


Guardian of Hunt, Moon and Focus


Embodiment and ecstatic dance of Wild Woman within

The Greek goddess Artemis is a symbol of independence, hunting, feminism, and lunar cycles, celebrated for her love of wilderness, nature, competitive challenges, and sisterhood.

In our dance, we will embody her untamed spirit and explore her many facets, delving into her rich mythological stories and tapping into the power of her spirit animals. We will discover Artemis as a child of nature, a daring teenage tomboy, an

explorer of hidden corners, and a fierce advocate for the voiceless, championing women's rights and mentoring young girls. Through movement, we will pay tribute to Artemis's exceptional abilities as a public speaker, voice giver, and activist, as well as her pioneering vision and unyielding independence. Together, we will honor her legacy as a lifeguard, doula, athlete, warrior, and leader of women's circles, celebrating her unwavering commitment to protecting the vulnerable and blazing trails for future generations.

"Of all things in life, I miss dancing the most, free, with carefully chosen music and in good company. Sandra, what a courage, we need this work more than we realize. I find it great that you have highlighted the sub-aspects. At my age, I can say that I have experienced and transcended the workings of all seven selected archetypes - aspects of myself that we can see as the seven goddesses because I have a full, intense life. The old Wise Woman is waiting for me, which I am preparing for. With all respect. Last night seemed to me the right measure of presentation and practice. To allow ourselves playfulness and insight.Designing altars is a very nice gesture. It is too precious to me to have met young, beautiful women; each with its own story and presence.Sincerity, beauty and vulnerability. Circle of support and contact with earth and sky, elements. Voice. Confidence in the workings of femininity, because somehow you know that everyone will take care of something. Seeing a danced out body, Sandra, is a particularly beautiful experience. Thank you!"

Ljoba Jenče 

artist, singer and a collector of Slovenian folk songs

Guardian of Love & Beauty


Embodiment and dance of creative alchemy for vital sensuality and joie de vivre

The Greek goddess Aphrodite, divine embodiment of femme fatale & femme inspiratrice and alchemical master of beauty, sensuality, and love, has been reduced by the modern world to a mere cliche of a "sex" symbol. Yet in the pantheon of ancient Greece, she represented so much more - an indispensable muse for artistic creation, an intuitive and highly skilled connoisseur of sensuality and emotional relationships. We will dance in homage to her intoxicating sensuality and explore her radiant aspects, briefly delving into her

mythological tales, and above all, embodying her challenges as portrayed in the myth of Psyche. Through the guidance of the eagle, ants, cave dragons, and river deities, we will journey to unlock her masculine qualities and overcome the obstacles in her path. We will pay tribute to her extraordinary abilities in alchemical creation, her hedonistic outlook on life, her magnetic and joyful spirit, her unifying energy in relationships, and her freespirited and liberated approach to love.

More about: PSYCHE MYTH

HONOURING GREEK GODDESS DEMETER, Guardian of Children, Nurturing, Farming and Grain


Embodiment and dance for self-care and self-love

The Greek goddess Demeter, often associated as the protoarchetype of "Mother Nature," although this domain belongs to the even more ancient Greek goddess Gaia, is best known as the goddess of grain, nurturing, and motherhood, instilling

values in children (and even adults) with her exceptional sensitivity and responsiveness to emotional, psychological, and spiritual needs. Yet, her wider social role in the divine pantheon as a spiritual guide to the mysterious world of the

unknown and as a protector of disabled children, women's rights advocate, and environmentalist who promotes agriculture and nature is often overlooked. We will explore both the shadowy and bright aspects of her sub-archetypal expressions: girl, companion, caregiver, and healer; messiah and angel; the divine child and child of nature;

storyteller, networker, seeker, and guide; artist and advocate. We will honor her remarkable generosity, fierce determination, patience, and innate sense of preserving the sacredness of life. Thus, we will pay tribute to the Earth and the supportive life force of fertility, growth, and practicality. We will also contemplate the seeds we have sown and the fruits of our labors.

"Quite a few of these AHA moments were stringed while listening, and then at home. I see that I don't lack ideas, but it's hard to get them - I give birth to the world. I look ugly at Aphrodite, who creates everything so easily, and I understand my anger at her. This light-hearted attitude of hers would come in handy for me too. Hera is not very close to me, with her unconditional love for Zeus. It’s interesting how I recognize Greek Goddesses in the real people I have around me and see where we get stuck in our relationships. All aspects are mine, I live everything, each of the Goddesses has a place in me, Hestia burns the fire of purification and opens space for new possibilities, Athena seeks formal knowledge, walks to university, learns to live in this world of rules and likes structure, Demeter spends the days in the garden, talks to the Wind, rustling in the treetops, soaks naked in the flowing River, lets the fish caress her body, sits on a stump and watches the squirrels play, and fights wildly to keep her piece of green paradise clean and non-toxic. Artemis responds when special knowledge is required, such as from experience not written in letters and words. Which we recognize in dance, body movement, touch ... which in a way just fall into us, as if an ancient record is awakened in the cells. Persephone teaches me about shadows, about my underworld, those sides of myself that the world / I do not accept that are “dark and gloomy”. I’m glad she dives into these abysses in cyclical rhythms, and pulls everything repressed into the light out of them. Aphrodite and Hera are a little foreign to me, so I tried to embody them with dance. But I see that an additional dance class will be needed. We’ll see what else Persephone brings from the cold tunnels of the underworld. A job in the hardcore industry, experience and everything else trained me to look at things very rationally, intellectually, I count everything. I leave very, very little space for the voice of the heart. It’s like living in two worlds, one where Athens is the only and main one, the other where everyone else is dancing. And if I wanted something for myself, it was for everyone else to have more time, more of my attention, and more opportunities to express themselves in the world. Sandra thank you for your presentation, for your presence, for the dance.Thank you, really from the heart."

Nataša Dominko, participant


@Anja D.Sesek @Natacha Einat @hobopeeba @juliastoyka @theglorymoves @Anna Sidi -Yacoubthe @Dimitra Milan @Brian Kirhagisthe @Lucia Dami @Hanah Damaszek @Amy Charlette